What’s Your Theme? Jan 14, 2019

What’s your theme for 2019? Whether it’s in your personal or business life, having an idea of what you want this year to be about is a great way to begin the process of planning for success.

Hopefully you did the work in last week’s video ’Start From Scratch’, and...

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Starting From Scratch With Video? Jan 07, 2019

“Is it too late to start from scratch using online video to promote and grow your business?"

It’s a question I’m asked A LOT, especially by entrepreneurs just starting out, or others wanting to grow their offline business online.

If you’re in the personal...

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New Year, New You Dec 31, 2018


Now is the perfect time to do a quick review on what happened for you in 2018, and then set your objectives - your ’theme’ - for 2019.

That’s why I’ve set aside 5 standalone coaching sessions - first come first served - if you want to spend 90-minutes...

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Happy Christmas!! Dec 22, 2018

 Happy Christmas!!

Today’s video comes with one simple message; my wish that you have a peaceful and joyful Christmas in whatever way you enjoy the holidays.

Christmas is also the perfect time to just spend a few moments to reflect on how the past year has been for you, so...

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Book Review: Ted Talks, by Chris Anderson Dec 18, 2018

It’s book review time again, and this month I’m reviewing TED Talks, by Chris Anderson. 

Now, whether you need [would like] to get your voice heard more at work, during meetings, or have a presentation to give and want to avoid speaker nerves, dry throat or getting tongue...

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Be. Do. Have. 2019 Plan [Part 3] Dec 10, 2018

Drum roll please...you’ve reached the final part of this 3-step Be Do Have exercise, designed to help you plan for and get the most out of 2019.

I hope you’ve been following along with the 2 previous blog posts and videos. If not, you still have a couple of weeks before the holiday...

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Be. Do. Have. 2019 Plan [Part 2] Dec 06, 2018

Welcome back to part 2 of this Be Do Have exercise.

Now, you did the work in the first part [featured in my previous video], didn’t you? I’m sure you did...but just in case you didn’t I’d encourage you to take a few minutes now, watch the 1st video, the work, and then...

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Be. Do. Have. 2019 Plan [Part 1] Dec 02, 2018

Question: When is THE BEST time to plan for the New Year?

You’ve got it. NOW!!!

I’m doing it myself in my own life, and also working with clients to do the same, and it’s also why I wanted to share some of the best business and life planning tools I know to help you design...

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What Videos Do You Want Me To Make In 2019? Nov 27, 2018

2019 is now only a few week’s away.

So this time [the last few days of November 2018] I want to take a moment and ask you what video content you’d like me to deliver and would be most useful to you, your business and your marketing in 2019.

This year [2018] I concentrated...

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High Performance Habits, by Brendon Burchard [Book Review] Nov 22, 2018

It’s book review time again!!

This week’s book review video is High Performance Habits, by Brendon Burchard.

If you’re a speaker, trainer, coach or have an online business you want to grow and feel more pumped up about, then this is a great book for you.

Brendon's High...

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How To Take Imperfect Action Nov 08, 2018

What’s THE ONE THING - product, service or promotion - that you should be working on right now, but has perhaps been languishing away because you want it to be prefect first?

As Harry S Truman once said, “Imperfect action always outweighs perfect inaction.” 


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[BOOK REVIEW] Daring Greatly, by Brené Brown Oct 24, 2018

It’s been a while since I made a book review video, I know. But today I get to do just that - and if you know me, you’ll know talking books is one of my favourite things to do!

The book, Daring Greatly, by Brené Brown was introduced to me earlier this year by Liz, one of the...

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