Book Review: Ted Talks, by Chris Anderson Dec 18, 2018

It’s book review time again, and this month I’m reviewing TED Talks, by Chris Anderson. 

Now, whether you need [would like] to get your voice heard more at work, during meetings, or have a presentation to give and want to avoid speaker nerves, dry throat or getting tongue...

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How To Take Imperfect Action Nov 08, 2018

What’s THE ONE THING - product, service or promotion - that you should be working on right now, but has perhaps been languishing away because you want it to be prefect first?

As Harry S Truman once said, “Imperfect action always outweighs perfect inaction.” 


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[BOOK REVIEW] Daring Greatly, by Brené Brown Oct 24, 2018

It’s been a while since I made a book review video, I know. But today I get to do just that - and if you know me, you’ll know talking books is one of my favourite things to do!

The book, Daring Greatly, by Brené Brown was introduced to me earlier this year by Liz, one of the...

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Knowing Your Left Hand From Your Right Hand Jul 26, 2018

Now, I know you know your left hand from your right hand (or at least I hope you do)!!

But when you're speaking to camera, sharing an idea in a meeting, or inspiring an audience, EVERYTHING you thought you knew about left and right changes!

How come?

In a...

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In Conversation With...Pearl Jordan Jun 11, 2018

Jim Rohn once suggested, 'you are the average of the 5 people you spend most time with.'

Now I don't know whether that's completely true, though I do believe books you read, speakers you listen to, and mentors you learn from have an enormous effect on business you build and...

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GDPR...It's Finally Here - Are You Ready? May 25, 2018

Big breath.

GDPR, the General Data Protection Regulation, is here!!

Beginning today, and in line with this EU wide regulation, I have updated my company Privacy Policy, which details how your personal data is collected. used and stored. It also provides you with...

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