My Social Media Detox Oct 15, 2019

My social media detox. I see the contradiction. You’re watching a video about how I’m doing a social media detox…and yet you’re watching it on YouTube, or have read a post and followed a link from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. 

I get it...but stick with me.


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How To Find Content Jul 02, 2019

If you struggle to find fresh ideas and content for your blogs, videos or talks, then this video is for you.

Finding new ideas on a regular basis is a problem most content creators and information marketers face, at least in the early stages of their business.

It’s an issue I get...

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Are You Leaving Money On The Table? Jun 24, 2019

When your customer, or prospective customer, says ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to your product, service or expertise, is that the end of the conversation...or are you potentially leaving money on the table?

In this week’s video I share ideas for you to explore in your sales...

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5 Ways To Get Unstuck May 29, 2019

We all get stuck in our business sometimes; whether it’s in the strategy or planning, marketing, or even delivery. As human beings, it’s just who we are.

If you’re a business owner like me, then knowing what helps either avoid getting stuck, or what can help if you find...

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