How To Come Up With Content For Your Video Blog Aug 28, 2018

If you're finding it difficult to come up with fresh ideas on a regular basis for your video marketing content, and you'd like some top tips of how you can make that easier, then this week's video blog is for you!

Here's a question I hear A LOT!! 

"How do you come up with new content...

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3 Reasons Why You Should Be Posting Your Videos Native To Facebook Feb 05, 2018

It's a question most coaches, consultants and trainers ask when it comes to posting their videos online, "how can I make sure they show up on as many newsfeeds as possible?"

It's a dilemma, I know - not least because it seems Facebook is awash with other people's videos...just not...

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Is Your Content Worth Sharing? Jan 30, 2018

I agree, it'd be nice to see your videos 'go viral.'

Thousands of 'views' and 'likes' should be something as online businesses we aim towards, but until that happens, producing great content your audience wants to 'share' or 'like' on a regular basis will also...

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