Do You Embrace AI For Business, or Avoid It At All Costs? May 22, 2023

AI may seem like the new kid on the block, but the truth is it's been around for several years now in Smartphones, TVs, and computers, and the only reason we're now talking about it is that it's become more visible and accessible with the launch of platforms like ChatGPT.

So, whilst Artificial...

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The 1st Rule of Business: Show Up Mar 20, 2023

When it comes to success in business, countless strategies and techniques can help you achieve your goals. However, before you can even begin to implement any of these tactics, there is one fundamental rule that you must follow: you must show up.

Showing up means more than just physically being...

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How To Develop A Marketing Theme and Revenue For Your Speaker Business In 2020 Dec 30, 2019

What’s 2020 going to be about for you and your speaker business?

What’s you theme?



What products or services to you want to develop and launch?

And…how much revenue do you want your business to produce?

Big questions, I know.

But NOW, as you welcome in a...

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