Speak Like a Pro Online - Exclusive July Discount! Jul 03, 2024

If you want to share your skill, knowledge, or expertise with the world, but the thought of speaking to a camera or on a podcast makes you break into a cold sweat, then this week, I have a solution just for you!

Firstly, you’re not alone. I grew up with a stammer and lacking confidence....

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Confidence and Integrity; The Secret Sauce of Success May 07, 2024

A frequently asked question new and experienced coaches ask when I meet them is what I think are the most important factors in becoming a successful coach. So, in this week's blog, I'll do my best to share what I see after being a coach for 21 years. Sit tight; this will be a long one!...

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Authenticity: The Key to Successful Coach Marketing Mar 18, 2024

One of the biggest pitfalls I notice new coaches face is being too generic regarding who they are, what they offer, and how they market their coaching business. It's understandable why this happens; as a new coach, it's tempting to emulate what seems to work for others, especially more...

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No Niche, No Problem! Breaking the Mold Jan 24, 2024

I know, I know; to niche or not to niche, that is the question!

The truth is that in the competitive world of coaching today, the idea of finding a niche has become a mantra for many aspiring coaches. However, a growing number of coaches are challenging these ideas and instead opting for a more...

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Integrity, Influence and Persuasion: A Guide for Coaches Dec 04, 2023

In the coaching world, having the ability to influence and persuade potential clients to sign onto your programmes is crucial for success. However, many coaches struggle to balance influencing and persuading with integrity and authenticity or unintentionally giving the hard...

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Building a Personal Brand as a Coach Nov 02, 2023

A Deep Dive into the Key Steps

Building a personal brand as a coach is a multifaceted process, and it can be overwhelming to tackle all aspects simultaneously. To simplify the journey, we'll focus on three major steps that are crucial for establishing authority in the online space:

1. Define Your...
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