2020 Review...Seriously?!

After such a traumatic and uncertain year, it’s never been more important to give yourself a moment to reflect and consider how this year - the whole year - has been, and then move forward toward 2021 with a smile on your face, focused and...

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New Year, New You


Now is the perfect time to do a quick review on what happened for you in 2018, and then set your objectives - your ’theme’ - for 2019.

That’s why I’ve set aside 5 standalone coaching sessions - first come first...

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Be. Do. Have. 2019 Plan [Part 3]

Drum roll please...you’ve reached the final part of this 3-step Be Do Have exercise, designed to help you plan for and get the most out of 2019.

I hope you’ve been following along with the 2 previous blog posts and videos. If not, you still...

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