Find Your Voice: Crafting Compelling Presentations Jan 29, 2024

In today's dynamic business landscape, articulating your ideas with clarity, conviction, and charisma is paramount. Whether you pitch a new product, deliver a keynote address, or lead a team meeting, finding your professional voice is essential for commanding attention, inspiring action, and...

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How To Write A Business Presentation and Get Speaking Gigs Dec 11, 2019

If you want to know how to write a talk you can offer to groups to promote and grow your business then today’s video is for you.

For my 3-step plan to test out your ideas and get experience of speaking to business groups within your field or area of expertise.

Question of the day!


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How To Overcome The Fear of Public Speaking and Build Confidence Sep 10, 2019

It’s often mentioned how the majority of us fear public speaking more than death, and whilst that may seem ludicrous, the reality is that many people do fear speaking in front of a group of people, whether that’s at work, socially, or even online in front of your...

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