The Art of Online Influence, Confidence and Charisma Nov 20, 2023

In a world where screens bridge the gaps between us, standing out isn’t just about having a polished website or a compelling bio. It's about radiating confidence and an undeniable charisma online. For coaches, content creators and online entrepreneurs, mastering this art isn’t just a...

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How To Feel More Confidence When You Speak On Camera Jan 26, 2020

Want more confidence to camera?

Book on my free online training workshop, How To Speak Like A Pro On Video - Even If You Don’t Think You’re Confident Enough To Do It!

Book here:

Plus, in today’s video I share 5 tips to help you feel more...

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Too Shy To Speak To Camera? Nov 20, 2019

If you’re too shy to speak to camera, get your voice heard during a meeting, or give a presentation on stage, then today’s I’m going to share 3 top tips to help you feel the fear…and speak up anyway!

I know you can work through that shyness and build the skill and...

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How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome Oct 08, 2019

If you’ve ever felt like a fraud, like you don’t believe you’re the expert or the goto person in your niche or area of expertise, firstly listen up, it’s natural, and secondly in today’s video I’m going to share 3 top tips to help you overcome the imposter...

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Why You Need To Believe In You Before A Client Will Sep 18, 2019

Question; if you don’t believe in you and your ability, skill and expertise you bring to your business, how can you expect future potential clients to believe in you?

I know there are occasionally exceptions, but for the most part the importance of believing in yourself and your ability to...

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Building Confidence & Self Esteem Aug 20, 2019

We all need confidence and self esteem!!

If you speak to groups as part of our job or business, whether that's running a training session, delivering a podcast or making a video for your blog, doing so with more confidence and self esteem will 1. make it easier for you to deliver the content,...

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How To Build Your Speaker Confidence May 07, 2019

If you get nervous when you need to give a presentation at work, get your voice heard in a meeting, or speak to camera this video is for you!

I used to be a teenager with zero confidence AND a stammer, not great for speaking up when I had to. But through the years as a professional singer, and...

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