How To Present Like Steve Jobs

If you could deliver a business presentation for your business, product or service with the same impact, gravitas and pizzaz as Apple legend Steve Jobs, what effect do you think that would have on the growth of your business?

Steve Jobs is generally...

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3 Reasons Why You Should Be Posting Your Videos Native To Facebook

It's a question most coaches, consultants and trainers ask when it comes to posting their videos online, "how can I make sure they show up on as many newsfeeds as possible?"

It's a dilemma, I know - not least because it seems Facebook is awash...

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Is Your Content Worth Sharing?

I agree, it'd be nice to see your videos 'go viral.'

Thousands of 'views' and 'likes' should be something as online businesses we aim towards, but until that happens, producing great content your audience wants to 'share'...

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Why You Should Build Your Tribe

Today I want to talk about why building your tribe is massively important if you want to grow a successful, and sustainable, coach, trainer or speaker business online AND offline.

As I mentioned in previous videos, the internet is about to...

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