Welcome back to part 2 of this Be Do Have exercise.
Now, you did the work in the first part [featured in my previous video], didn’t you? I’m sure you did...but just in case you didn’t I’d encourage you to take a few minutes now, watch the 1st video, the work, and then...
Question: When is THE BEST time to plan for the New Year?
You’ve got it. NOW!!!
I’m doing it myself in my own life, and also working with clients to do the same, and it’s also why I wanted to share some of the best business and life planning tools I know to help you design...
2019 is now only a few week’s away.
So this time [the last few days of November 2018] I want to take a moment and ask you what video content you’d like me to deliver and would be most useful to you, your business and your marketing in 2019.
This year [2018] I concentrated...
It’s book review time again!!
This week’s book review video is High Performance Habits, by Brendon Burchard.
If you’re a speaker, trainer, coach or have an online business you want to grow and feel more pumped up about, then this is a great book for you.
Brendon's High...
What’s THE ONE THING - product, service or promotion - that you should be working on right now, but has perhaps been languishing away because you want it to be prefect first?
As Harry S Truman once said, “Imperfect action always outweighs perfect inaction.”
It’s been a while since I made a book review video, I know. But today I get to do just that - and if you know me, you’ll know talking books is one of my favourite things to do!
The book, Daring Greatly, by Brené Brown was introduced to me earlier this year by Liz, one of the...
If you’ve ever wanted to sell online courses or have your own online business teaching others what you know, this may be the fastest way to get you there.
In our digital world today there’s no denying that we’re constantly bombarded with distractions.
Do this!
Do that!
Oh no no...
It's 'that look' you get when your delivering content in a meeting, training or making a presentation.
You ask yourself, "Do they love me, or hate me?!!"
Is that look saying that they're 'all in' with your content or the concept you're speaking about, or does that slightly glazed look...
If you've got social media marketing overwhelm, today's video is for you.
But first, take a step back. It's important to take a moment to remember or decide what you use social media in your coaching, training or speaker (or online business) for.
Is it to engage with an audience? Find...
If you're finding it difficult to come up with fresh ideas on a regular basis for your video marketing content, and you'd like some top tips of how you can make that easier, then this week's video blog is for you!
Here's a question I hear A LOT!!
"How do you come up with new content...
Now, I know you know your left hand from your right hand (or at least I hope you do)!!
But when you're speaking to camera, sharing an idea in a meeting, or inspiring an audience, EVERYTHING you thought you knew about left and right changes!
How come?
In a...
A couple of week's ago I had the pleasure of being interviewed for The Amos Madra Podcast Show.
Click here to listen now
Amos wanted to find out about my story, and in particular:
- Why I decided to leave a 'secure' career in banking to reinvent myself as a coach and trainer
- How I...