Help Shape My YouTube Content - Your Voice Matters!

Apr 29, 2024
Help Shape My YouTube Content! Your Voice Matters

As you know, the aim of my YouTube channel and Blog is to empower and help you thrive. I understand in today’s online, AI infused digital landscape, everything seems to move at lightening speed, which is why staying ahead of the curve means innovating and evolving what you do, and how you do it. Constantly.

That's why I'm reaching out to you now, to ask if you could help me shape my YouTube content going forwards, so that it’s as relevant and actionable as possible.

Whether you’ve been a coach for years or just starting out, now is an incredible time to be in the world of coaching. It’s never been more accessible and more in demand...and it’s also never been more important to know who you are as a coach, what kind of clients you want to serve, and how you want to serve them.

All that applies to my business too, which is why I’m reaching out to you today, to make sure the videos I create are useful, relevant, and contain some cool ideas you use straight away.

Your input is invaluable.

Here's how you can help:

1. **Share Your Challenges:** What obstacles are you facing as a coach, trainer or online entrepreneur? Whether it's attracting clients, mastering social media, marketing, or refining how you present to clients, I’d really appreciate hearing about the issues that matter most to you. By understanding what those issues are, and where the pain points might be, I aim to craft videos that offer practical solutions and actionable advice that help you move forwards.

2. **Suggest Topics:** Is there a specific subject you'd like me to cover in an upcoming video? Whether it's signing more clients, time management tips, strategies for building a loyal audience, marketing, storytelling, or speaking with more confidence, your suggestions will help me tailor future content to your interests. Don't hesitate to let me know what you're curious about – as chances are, others in our community share your curiosity too.

3. **Provide Feedback:** Have you watched one of my previous videos on how to use morning pages to grow your coaching business, productivity hacks, or mastering online presentations? What did you like or dislike about them? Be honest! Your feedback is crucial and will (hopefully) help me create better and more engaging videos for you in the future. So, whether it's praise, constructive criticism, or ideas for enhancement, I welcome your honest opinions! 

4. **Engage with Me:**  Share your thoughts, ask questions, and get your voice heard. By actively participating in this collaborative process, you're not just helping shape my YouTube content – you'll also help shape my community, and hopefully gain some insight and ideas for your business, too. Together, I know we can inspire, educate, and empower one another to reach new heights of success.

Thank you for being a valued member of this community. I'm excited to hear your ideas, and look forward to creating more content that truly makes a difference for you in your life and business in the future.

To share your input, simply reply to this email, CLICK HERE and complete a contact form, or leave a comment on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL. Your voice matters, and I can't wait to hear from you!

Many thanks, and kindest regards,


P.S. Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on notifications so you never miss an update!

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