Be. Do. Have. 2019 Plan [Part 1]

Dec 02, 2018

Question: When is THE BEST time to plan for the New Year?

You’ve got it. NOW!!!

I’m doing it myself in my own life, and also working with clients to do the same, and it’s also why I wanted to share some of the best business and life planning tools I know to help you design your best year yet in 2019.

In today’s video I share part one of this 3-step plan, where I’ll be walking you developing your ‘Be. Do. Have’ list for 2019 - and even if you’ve heard of or even done one before, I’d still suggest you spend time watching the video and scheduling yourself some quality time over the next few days to work on your own ‘Be. Do. Have.' list. 

As with most things in life, what you get out of something will in some part be determined, or at least influenced by the amount of work and energy you put into it.

That’s why I’d strongly encourage you to spend time with this exercise BEFORE you move on with the next part of it I’ll share with another video update later this week.

In my experience, by completing the exercise in this way, you’ll get far more clarity with your planning than if you’d just wizzed through it, or [even worse] decide to only think about it, rather than sitting down and doing the work.

So, if you haven’t already, click ‘play’ to watch today’s video exercise - and as always, remember to click the LIKE, SHARE, & COMMENT buttons...and if you’re watching this on my YouTube channel please also remember to hit the SUBSCRIBE too!!

See you with the next video later this week!! 

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