8 Days / 1 Week Video Diary, Day 2 - 7pm

Apr 24, 2018

8 Days / 1 Week, Day 2 - 7pm

Well...actually I'm recording this update a little before 7pm, as I'll be in a meeting at that time.

It's been a good day!

I've been in the city most of the day, and still am now. Meetings attended (only one more to go at 7pm) - I even had time to edit and upload one of the videos on my list.

Next video is LIVE on my Facebook page @mikeblissettspeaker at 10am tomorrow (Wednesday).

For more insights, and to get more information about how you can take your bigger vision and share with the world using online video, webinars and podcasts, sign up for my free report and video training, 'Speak Up, Speak Out - 5 Weird Ways To Begin Your Presentation, Grab Attention and Make An Impact' click the big red button immediately below this post.

Trouble kick-starting a meeting, presentation, or training session? Want to feel more confident and heard from the get-go?

Then sign up for my FREE video training: 5 Weird Ways to Begin Your Meeting, Presentation, or Webinar and Make a Great First Impression!

Click Here for INSTANT access